As our community grows, more discussions & questions in various categories or sub-categories will be available in our forum. We know you don't always have the time to log in to our website to check for updates...
So here's how you can get updated through email notifications on all of your favorite categories, sub-categories, and discussion threads! You can even follow other members to stay updated on their activities!
Semakin besar komunitas kami, semakin banyak diskusi dan pertanyaan atas banyak kategori atau sub-kategori dalam forum kami. Kami tahu kalian tidak selalu mempunyai waktu untuk log in ke website ini dan memeriksa notifikasi tentang aktifitas baru...
Inilah caranya agar kamu dapat diperbarui melalui notifikasi email tentang semua kategori, sub-kategori, dan diskusi kesukaan kamu! Kamu juga dapat mengikuti anggota lain untuk selalu diperbarui tentang kegiatan mereka!
Following a Forum Category & Sub-Category
Locate the "Follow" button of the category or sub-category!
Once you click "Follow", the button should turn to "Following"
Following a Discussion Thread
Locate the "Follow Post" button of the post/thread!
Once you click "Follow Post", the button should turn to "Following Post"!
Following Another Member
Click on a member's name to go to their profile and locate their "Follow" button!
Once you click "Follow ", the button should turn to the following icon!
You can follow as many categories, discussion, and members as you like.
Now you don't have to worry about missing out, so follow away!
Kamu dapat mengikuti/follow sebanyak-banyaknya kategori, diskusi, dan anggota.
Sekarang kamu tidak perlu khawatir ketinggalan!
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