In Project Planet, we believe that it's never too little or too late to help, whether that's in closing the water tap when you're washing your hands or to powering your house with solar panels. In the pressing situation that the world is currently under, it's more important than ever to do anything we can to help.
We've compiled a list of places where you can donate to help fight against COVID-19:
We separated the fundraisers into four different categories. Some fundraisers appear in more than one category as they help several causes.



If you would like to volunteer your time or skills, check these places out:

Medical Volunteering Links:
1.Click Here - Indonesia 2.Click Here - Indonesia 3.Click Here - Jabodetabek 4.Click Here - Bandung
Non-Medical Volunteering Links:
All types Volunteering Links:
Click Here - Membership Based Click Here - Database of help needed in Semarang
We hope that you're staying safe and practicing social distancing. A few other things that you can do to help is by supporting small local businesses and the workers who are not able to work from home. For example, by buying a meal for an online ojek driver from a small restaurant or buying food from street vendors (such as warung or pedagang kaki lima).
Through this difficult time, let's remember to keep our mental and physical health in check, keep healthy habits and still find the silver lining.
If you would like to have your fundraising campaign or volunteer activity featured, please comment below or contact our team through the "Contact Us" page.
Disclaimer: we are in no way affiliated with these fundraisers or volunteer organizers, we are merely conveying the information we have found that are promoted publicly.